Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Logan rolled over from tummy to back for the first time Friday, February 18th! I was so excited. He was trying so hard all morning to roll over and I recorded a frustrated baby that was not able to quite do it. Then, when I was not ready, he did it. It was moments before Daddy got home from work, so Matt got to see the second one. He has not done it many times since then, but that's okay. He now really wants to go from back to tummy. He did it in the bed with a little help from gravity the other morning, but he cannot do it on a flat surface yet. I am such a proud mama!
Ready to brace the New England winter

Just got home and waking up from a car coma.

Logan's new favorite toy, which he got for Valentine's Day.

One tired boy.  Little did he know he was about to get a bath.

Practicing for cigars

Keeping an eye on big bro, Roc

Another picture?!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Belated Valentine's Day

At Logan's expense, I subjected him to a Valentine's Day photo shoot.

The scratch on Logan's face is self-inflicted. It is his attempt to pick up a lady friend for Valentine's Day. He heard that men with scars give off a tough vibe, which the ladies love.

Monday, February 7, 2011

3 Months Old!!!

Seriously?! 3 months already! And boy how Logan continues to grow and develop.

Logan has fallen in love, with his fists. He often grasps them together, and brings them to his mouth to eat them. He is starting to drool a lot, too. I know it sounds a little early for him to be teething, but those are a few signs that chompers are trying to make their way out. 
Fists in the mouth while reading with Mama
For a little over a week now, Logan has developed the ability to bat at, reach for, and hold objects. He goes after the insects hanging above him in the bouncy seat and the jungle animals above him on the elephant play mat. While he has been staring at the animals/bugs for a while, he now reaches out to either hit them or grab on to them. If only his arms were long enough to reach the bears that taunt him when he is in the swing.
Reaching . . .

Got it!

With all of this handy work, he is happy to grab anything in his reach. This includes the cloth diaper we keep over his “little man” during diaper changes so that we don't get sprayed. In fact, I fell victim to this the other week. I did not realize that he had pulled the cloth off until I felt the wet spray on my stomach. I did not think such a little bladder could hold so much!

Logan is getting much better at lifting his head. Tummy time is starting to pay-off.
But this is what Logan thinks of tummy time.

Logan is full of smiles. He grins all the time, especially when he wakes up in the morning and from naps. It melts my heart each time he smiles. However, our little boy is very camera shy. I have only be able to capture his smile three times. As soon as he sees that camera, the smile disappears. And he is not only shy in front of the still camera, the video camera intimidates his as well. This makes it hard to capture some of his best moments. I think he just likes to give his smiles in person to make them more special.

With Logan's 3rd month birthday, I started to reflect on my current position as stay at home mom. If I was still working, I either would have already returned to work or would in another week or two. We did make some sacrifices in the past two years knowing that I wanted to stay home, but I am so grateful to Matt that I am able to do so. For me, I would not have it any other way. It means so much to me that I get to see each developmental milestone and get to spend each day getting to know my little man better. I love my boys!
Logan sporting essential New England clothing - a fleece vest

Trying to figure out how to break out

Practicing sitting
Eating his fists even in a wet towel

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mama or Daddy?

We have our opinions as to who Logan looks like, but you be the judge.
Logan about two weeks ago (2 1/2 months old)

Mama age 2-3 months

Daddy age 3-5 months