Sunday, August 28, 2011

On The Move

Logan started crawling a few weeks ago and I took this video about a week after he learned how.  Since the video was taken a few weeks ago, it was funny for me to watch because he seems so slow and unsteady compared to the moving terror he has become.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sippy Cup Fun

For a little over a month, I have been giving Logan sippy cups filled with water at least a few times a week so that he can learn how to use one. He usually just chews or may even suck on the sippy part but does not get any water out of it. Then he discovered how much fun he could have with a sippy cup. I quickly grabbed the video camera to record the video that follows.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Daddy's 31st Birthday

On Thursday, Matt joined the club and turned 31.  Since it was a work day for Matt, the celebrating was limited to presents, cake, and Matt's choice of dinner.  We plan on continuing the celebration this weekend with some birthday shopping and a lunch out. All in all, I think that Daddy had a good birthday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

9 Months Old!

Logan turned 9 months old today. He had his 9 month doctor appointment on Tuesday. He weighed 18 lbs, 12 oz, which puts him in the 25th percentile. He is 28 1/8 inches tall, which puts him in the 50th percentile. These percentiles have been consistent for months now. The doctor continued to be pleased, and in some areas impressed, with his development.

Eating grass
This was not Logan's only trip to the doctor in the past month. He was diagnosed with ringworm a few weeks ago. The spots were on his legs, which lead us to believe that he contracted it from Rocky. After a trip to the vet, an anti-fungal bath, and a 10 day fungal culture, we now know Rocky was not the source. So we have no idea where that came from. Just days after Logan's ringworm doctor appointment the mercury rose to 100 plus in New England. Along with the arrival of the heat came heat rash on Logan's back. So for a few days he was treated to cool soaks in the tub, ice cubes to suck on through his mesh feeder and was granted permission to not wear any clothes. The heat rash cleared up fast and the ringworm is almost completely gone.
Ice cubes are good
I like being naked
A new tooth appeared in Logan's mouth a little over 3 weeks ago which brings his tooth count to three: two on the on bottom and one on the top.
One of Logan's favorite places to hang out (looking out the sliders) complete with his favorite move - left thumb in the mouth and right hand rubbing his head.  He does this when he is tired, hungry, or to soothe himself.
Logan has recently learned how to give high-fives. He has also learned how to give kisses, but he is very selective about when he will give those out.
About a week ago Logan started to move forward on his belly, in kind of an army crawl fashion. He has become really good at using this method to get to something that he wants immediately.  And just today he for real crawled for the first time, up on all fours without dragging his belly.  However, for now, rolling is still his main form of transportation. Over the past few weeks we had to get the house baby-proofed because he can get anywhere fast with his rolling.
What Logan thinks of being caged in
Rolling down the hallway
His love for books continues to grow and has now extended to newspapers and magazines. Truthfully he just likes to destroy the paper in newspapers and magazines.
In the past month, Logan has reached an age where he fusses when things are taken from him. Take a flip flop, magazine, remote, or power cord from him and you are sure to be told that he is not happy with the situation. With the increased mobility, Logan is hearing the word “no” too many times a day to count. His response? He smiles and sometimes even chuckles.
Getting into trouble
Also in the past month, he has taken to throwing anything off his highchair. This started with the wash cloth used to wipe his face and hands after a meal and the 1st time he thought it was hilarious. He kept throwing the wash cloth on the ground and would laugh and laugh. And Matt and I would laugh right along with him, encouraging him as I kept putting the wash cloth back on the tray. Now it is no longer a game, but a fact of life. Bowls, spoons, toys are all thrown overboard but without the laughter. However, I still chuckle and encourage the behavior by placing the discarded item back on the tray.
Manhandling the highchair
Being around other babies a couple times a week is great for both of us. It gives both of us social interaction, which is fantastic. I am also able to realize just how unique my boy is. No other babies in our group log-rolls like he does. No other babies make crazy sounds like he does. No other babies turn the pages of board books. No other babies swim on land. No other babies use their feet as a second set of hands. And none of the other babies in our group snuggle as well as my baby boy does. I really love that every week I am able to see what makes Logan different from any other baby.
2 sets of hands
Snuggling with Daddy
Just an update, Logan is back on green veggies.  I took a few days off with the peas and broccoli and he went back to them without a problem.  He is now eating zucchini also.  I continue to hope that I don't have a picky eater. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Momma's 31st Birthday

Monday was my 31st birthday.  Since it was a work day for Matt, we did the majority of our celebrating on Sunday with a lunch out and some birthday shopping.
My boy in his birthday suit in honor of Momma's birthday.
On the actual day, Logan spoiled me with sleeping in a little later than he has been.  We then spent the day playing around and even took a soak in the pool.  Logan is still learning that dropping from a sitting position into a roll in the pool is not a good thing.  After Daddy got home from work, we did presents and cake.  While I put Logan to bed, Matt cooked me dinner.  That rocked my world.  All in all, I had a great birthday.  
Paper is great!
For 10 days every year, I am a year older than Matt.  So for the next 10 days, I expect a constant stream of comments about how old I am.