Sunday, September 25, 2011


Logan has been to two new playgrounds in the past week.  He has finally reached an age where he can enjoy something like this.

The first was an indoor playground where we meet our Mom's group.  There were bulls to ride on, bugs to be pushed around on, slides to slide down and an inclosed area to crawl around in.  Logan really seemed to love it.  And I know as he gets older, he will only love it more.
The ride on bulls and bug cars are in the background.  Logan's buddy Luca is playing with them.

Logan may look afraid, but he was laughing at the bottom.
Playing with his buddies
After our 5K, Matt and I took Logan to the local playground, which we had not been to yet.  It was his first chance to swing, which he loved because he got to "go fast."  He also got a chance to slide.  This is another playground that he will get a lot more out of once he gets older.  And it is only 5 minutes from home!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Family That Runs Together

Two years ago, Matt and I started running 5Ks together because I wanted an activity that we could do together.  We only ran 2 before winter in New England hit and I got pregnant with Logan.  Today we made our return. 

I finally convinced Matt to buy a treadmill about a month ago and two weeks ago saw an article in our town's local newsletter about a 5K.  Having lived here for a year, this is the only 5K our small town has, so I thought we had to do it and signed us up.

It was a hot, humid day in New England that felt a lot more like July than September.  I don't know who schedules a race for 2:00 pm!  Despite the heat, it was a good race.  Matt jogged while pushing Logan in the stroller.  Logan napped while cruising through town.  And me?  Well, I survived. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Today's New Thing

Mommas take away everything fun!
Over the past two weeks, it seems Logan learns something new every day.  Today it was stair-climbing.  He's been close to making the move for a few weeks now and today climbed up four stairs (with me right next to him, of course).  The baby gate is now up at the bottom of the stairs, which is what he is sadly holding on to in the above picture.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 Months Old!

On Tuesday, Logan turned 10 months old.

I am in the process of packing up Logan's 9 month clothes. He has officially moved into all 12 month clothes. It is really weird how I grow so attached to some outfits.

Developmentally, it has been a big month for our boy. He started crawling the day he turned 9 months old and has perfected it over the past month. He moves very fast on all fours now, something the dog is not enjoying. When there is something that Logan really wants to get to, like Rocky or the open fridge, he eyes the object, puts his head down, and goes as fast as he can. He also started sitting himself up which is great because he does not depend on me sitting him up any more. In addition, Logan started pulling up on the furniture.

Speaking of Rocky, we did not know how he would respond to a baby in the house. He has done pretty well, usually tolerating Logan.  However, sometimes he seems rather annoyed by the crawling baby that constantly wants to crawl on and love him. However, I saw a new side of Rocky on a recent walk. We encountered another dog on the walk and Rocky and the dog checked each other out. Then the dog went to check Logan out. Rocky made a beeline for the stroller, putting himself between the dog and Logan. He also let out a low growl. It was very surprising to me. I guess he feels that he can be annoyed by his brother, but nobody better mess with him.
Logan's new bathtub, which he will outgrow in another month.
Logan had two more teeth come through this month. Both are on the top. One is just right of center which descended very quickly. The other one is two left of center and is taking a long time to come in.
Silly Daddy!
Adding to his bag of tricks this month, Logan learned how to do “so big.” When I ask him “how big is Logan,” he will throw his arms up towards the sky as I say “so big.” He does not get it every time, but enough to let me know that he knows how to do it.

Logan has fallen in love with all things doors.  It does not matter if it is a bedroom door, cabinet door, or closet door. He loves them all.
Logan's "car"
He has also come to really love all touch and feel books. He will sit for a long time with one in his lap, just running his fingers over the textured parts on each page.
Logan's Tupperware Cabinet
In just the past week, Logan had his first fever. He was just two months shy of making it through his first year without a fever.  My poor sick boy!

Logan continues to eat new foods and even new textures. This month, in addition to new veggies and fruits, Logan started eating cheeses. His favorite is cottage cheese, but he also likes string cheese. He is getting better with chunks of food so I am able to introduce foods he has loved in a new way. He has also learned how to use his sippy cup instead of just using it as a toy. He still plays with it, but he also knows how to get water out of it. Now if only he would learn that you are supposed to swallow all that water and not spit it out, then we would be golden.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Visit from Nana

Playing with Nana
Over the long Labor Day weekend, Nana came up from Georgia for a visit. She arrived on Friday afternoon and was greeted by a sick baby. Logan came down with a bad cold on Thursday and was running a fever on Friday. Despite not feeling well, he was happy to see his Nana.
Someone wants Daddy's drink
Since Logan was not feeling well, we tried to lay low over the weekend as much as possible. This was good because it gave Nana lots of time with Logan around the house. We did go out for ice cream on Saturday afternoon and out for lunch on Sunday.
Out for ice cream
Nana had to leave on Monday and while we were sad to see her go, we had a great visit with her.

Lunch on the river
You can tell someone still does not feel 100%

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Logan's Buddies

As mentioned in previous posts, Logan and I get together with a group of moms and babies every week.  I hosted group this week, so I took the opportunity to take a few pictures of Logan with his friends.  Not everyone was able to make it, but below are the pictures of his friends that were able to come.
Luca, Logan and Anna

James, Logan, Anna, and Luca

As Luca crawls off, the others watch to see what he is up to.