Thursday, February 9, 2012

15 Months Old

On Monday, Logan turned 15 months old.  With the birthday, came a wellness doctor check-up and a few more shots.  He now weighs 23 lbs, 14 oz and is 32 inches tall.  In both weight and height, he jumped 25% on the growth scales, numbers he had previously been consistent at since birth.  Logan has had a bit of a growth spurt in the past 3 months.  He is now in the 75% for height and 50% for weight. 

He has become OBSESSED with word books.  I read the 5 that he has what feels like a million times a day.  He opens to a page, grabs your finger, puts in on the page and waits for you to tell him what is what.  He has now even started to do this with storybooks.  He just wants to know what every thing is.
Silly boy

And the boy understands more and more everyday.  While he has not spoken a new word since October, you can tell that he understands so much of what you say.  He can appropriately respond to the majority of things that I ask him to do during the day.  We think he will go from one day saying just 4 words to speaking paragraphs the next.  This is pretty much how all of his development has gone.
Wearing one of Momma's scarfs

Logan loves music and has developed a new way to dance in the past few months.  He used to sway back and forth, but he has now added a knee-bending bop to it.  It's too cute.  Besides dancing, he is also spending his days dragging things around the house behind him, like a caveman.  I think he likes the sound on the tile and the hardwood. 
Caveman Logan

Since we have had such a mild winter, I have been able to take Logan outside for a little bit most days.  He really enjoys this now that he can walk/run on the driveway.  He likes it even more when Rocky will run around and pretend that Logan is chasing him.  Logan loves that dog so much.

Speaking of animals, Logan is in love with them all.  He waves at any animal, not just dogs anymore.  And he kisses all of them when you read a book to him.
He wanted to wear all the bibs he could find

Logan had 3 more teeth push their way through this month, bringing his total to 12.  The only ones he has left before the 2 year molars are the incisors (aka canine, aka the pointy ones).
Potato chips for breakfast?  Please?

Logan is identifying more and more body parts everyday.  He already had head down, but he now knows: ear, mouth, toes (only if you call them "piggies") and 1/2 of the time, belly button.
First, and pretty much only, snow fall of the winter

Lazy Sunday with Momma