Tuesday, March 22, 2011

4 Month Doc Visit

Logan finally had his 4th month doctor's visit yesterday. He weighed 15 lbs, 10 oz which puts him in the 53rd percentile. He is 25 ½ inches long, which puts him in the 63rd percentile.

The doctor answered a million of Mama's questions, as always. The doc was very happy to see that Logan is meeting all of his developmental milestones on target and some a little early. After putting on a show for the doctor, Logan took his shots like a champ, again. I am so impressed with how tough he is. Two more months and it's round three.

Take Logan's teether and he'll punch you.

Weather got nice enough to take Logan on his first walk last week.  Yes, those are piles of snow in the background.

The boys by the end of the walk.

Loving the new play mat.

Dressed like Daddy in his polo shirt.

Enjoying the Bumbo

Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 Months Old

On Sunday, Logan turned 4 months old. I cannot give 4 month old stats because Logan's doctor appointment is not until 2 weeks after he turned 4 months old, despite the fact that I made the appointment back in December. That's what we get for having a part-time pediatrician. I think we might be changing pediatricians after this appointment. Anyways, our home scale has him at about 15 lbs as of 2 weeks ago. I will be curious to see what he weighs on the official scale at the doctor's office. I will post those stats after the appointment and his second round of being tortured (aka – shots).

At 4 months old, Logan is wearing 3-6 or 6 month clothing in day-wear and pj's and he is up to 6-9 month onesies. Now either our boy has clown feet or baby socks run small because Logan has been wearing 6-12 month socks for over a month. He can roll tummy to back (although he does not like to do it often) and really wants to go from back to tummy. His head control has gotten really strong recently and can sit in the Bumbo without slumping over after a minute or two.
No slumping!

As he gets older, we are seeing more personality come out in him. He loves toys. He has a favorite rattle and loves his ball. He also loves the dog his great-grandma got him, who we affectionately call Doug (the dog, not great-grandma). He also LOVES his play mirror. While all of these things are fun, sometimes there is nothing like a (clean) cloth diaper. Logan loves to chat and has developed a new way of talking while gargling. He loves when Mama tickles his tummy and feet. And he loves to play peek-a-boo with Daddy.
Enjoying his mirror
Love that mirror

The only thing that is not improving with time is his nighttime sleep. From 1-3 months of age, he slept an average of 7 hours before waking up for a nighttime feeding. At 3 months, he started to wake up more frequently. This was about the same time we moved him to the crib in his room, so I thought that the two were going together. But it has now been a month. About 2-3 times a week, he will do 6 or 7 hours before waking. But the other nights, it is about 5 hours and sometimes even less. Ugh! He really spoiled me from the beginning. He has just transitioned out of the swaddle at night which is also causing sleep issues. I am hoping that in another week he will be back to his 1-3 month old self. I have read about a 4 month old sleep regression, and I hope that he just got it early, and it lasted for a long time. As much as I hate getting up more frequently during the night, our little boy is so cute. You cannot be mad at a face like that! 
Play time wears Logan out.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mackie and Uncle Kyle

Mackie and Uncle Kyle came to town this past weekend for a visit. Uncle Bryan and his girlfriend, Dre, were also supposed to come, but due to recent illness, it did not work out. The visit was full of firsts for Logan: first trip to the airport that shares his name, first time meeting one of his three uncles, first time going out for a meal, and first time snow tubing.
Mackie, Mama, Uncle Kyle, and Logan

As a kid, it is always great to have uncles, especially fun uncles. Logan really took to his Uncle Kyle and looks forward to seeing him again soon for further male bonding.
Playing with Uncle Kyle

Watching college hoops

Uncle Kyle sledding in the yard

The family trucked to Parker's Maple Barn for a late breakfast on Saturday morning. They make their own maple syrup on-site so everyone got something to pour it on to while Logan watched in envy.
Ready for maple syrup

The Fam at Parker's

Covered bridge at Parker's

Logan was a little shy of the 42 inch height requirement for snow tubing, so it was his first time in a “chalet” (as it was advertised on the website) that more closely resembled the eatery in Wal-Mart. Uncle Kyle and Mackie took their hand at snow tubing while Logan and Mama watched the 10 year old boys play the video arcade “Crusin' Exotica.” Then Mama and Mackie switched off and Logan passed out in Mackie's arms amidst the commotion in the chalet. A good time was had by all.
Sound asleep with Mackie

On the way home from tubing, Logan had to make a pit-stop. The bathroom at the gas station did not have a pull-down changing table, so Mama made due in the back of the car. Logan did not seem to mind.
We are doing this here?!

All in all, it was a great visit. It is so hard living so far from family, and we really cherish these visits. We love you, Mackie and Uncle Kyle!
Enjoying the New England weather

It was such a nice day

Little bit more time with Mackie before she leaves