Thursday, September 20, 2012

Newborn Pictures

We had newborn pictures done with Dylan and the family last Friday.  The photographers said that the pictures will be available in 4-6 weeks so for now, we have preview pictures. 

Our Little Porker

Logan, who was born two days early, weighed 7 lbs, 5 oz.  Dylan, who was born eight days late, weighed 8 lbs, 11 oz.  And the lifetime of comparisons start!  When Dylan went to the doctor at 4 days old, he was 8 lbs, 9 oz.  At two weeks, he was 9 lbs, 6 oz.  This is the point where doctors just hope that babies are back to their birth weight.  Not our little porker.  He has a very healthy appetite! 
Me and my boys

Logan giving Dylan kisses

Game day!

Really wanted a picture of the boys in their "brother" shirts.  Logan was happy to participate.  Dylan, not so much.

A little better

Much better

Logan ran off.  This one cannot run away from me yet.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dylan long awaited speedy arrival

My due date came and went and our little man seemed very content on staying put.  We had many false alarms leading up to the due date that we were so surprised to see it come and go.  We even had a trip to the hospital the night of my due date, only to be kept overnight but sent home in the morning without a baby in my arms.  A week passed filled with real contractions that never lead to the big event.  Then came 41 weeks and 1 day pregnant. 

My contractions started around noon and got stronger and closer together quickly.  We arrived at the hospital at about 3:30.  While my contractions were 5 minutes apart, I was only 3 cm dilated.  I was told to walk to halls for a half hour and they would check me again.  My contractions were now 4-5 minutes apart, but I was still only 3 cm.  Because of my history of quick labors, the doctor decided to admit me despite the fact I was not in "active labor."  I told the nurse I was not leaving without a baby in my arms because I knew I was in labor.  For real this time. 

We ate dinner and started walking the halls again.  We were only able to walk for about a half hour before I needed to rest.  My contractions were now 2-3 minutes apart.  While I was fine, I know how fast my body progresses so I asked for the epidural.  I missed out on it last time because Logan came so fast, I did not want to miss out on it again.  The nurse checked me at 7:30 and I had progressed to 5 cm.  I got my epidural, a procedure that was not complete until 8:15.  Afterwards, I was chatting with the nurse, waiting for the epidural to kick in, when my water broke.  The nurse checked me and I was now 10 cm.  The baby was right there.  She got on the phone and called for everyone to rush into my room because our little man was coming and quick.  Yes, I went from 5 to 10 cm in 1 hour.  Don't tell me I am not in labor, doctor! 

The doctor came in to assess the situation and asked if I could hold on for a few minutes while they finished with the woman two doors down.  Sure, why not?  He came back 10 minutes later and after 10 minutes to pushing, Dylan Matthew was born at 8:51 pm on September 3rd. 

We are enjoying our family of 4 while Nana is here to help us out.  She's been such a big help while we are adjusting to our new normal.  Logan, who was really angry at Momma at first, seems to be coming around quickly.  He is even starting to give Dylan air kisses and needs to watch each time his diaper is changed.  Logan is going to make a great big brother.  Not that I had any doubt.  And Dylan.  I don't think he could be more perfect. 
Daddy with Dylan right after birth

Right after birth

Momma with Dylan right after birth

Logan meeting Dylan

Our new family of 4

Nana and Dylan

Excited to be a big brother

Dylan Matthew

One of Logan's big brother gifts

Our new family
Heading home

My house of boys

Sweet baby boy

Nana and Dylan

Go Dawgs!