Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Pregnancy Projects

When we moved into our house two years ago, I hated almost everything that the previous owners had done.  The thing that is easiest for me to change: paint color.  When we moved in, I was in my 3rd trimester with Logan so I was not able to do as much as I would have liked.  We focused our attention on the rooms that we could not stand: Logan's room, the master bedroom, and the den.  Then, with the birth of a newborn, house painting got put on hold for a while. 

I was finally able to pick the paint brush back up in January.  I was currently pregnant with our second little guy.  The joke between Matt and I has become that rooms in our house only get painted when I am pregnant.  Pretty extreme form of nesting.  Guess we need a third to finish the house up!

I started with Logan's (what will soon be the boys) playroom.  The room was traditionally intended to be used as a formal living room, but we have no use for that.  Once Logan turned a year old and started walking, his toys needed to move from the den to somewhere that gave him some more elbow room.  The room was just off white.  Off white walls and off while trim.  And the trim joins up with the trim in the hallway that is a crisp white.  That annoyed me for 1 1/2 years.  So, the playroom was the first room I tackled.

Next was the dining room.  Mind you, we have NO dining room furniture.  However, the wallpaper and the off white trim, needed to go.  I knew that wallpaper removal was going to be project in and of itself and boy was I right.  After attempting removal with some spray, I knew I had to move to the big guns and bought myself a steamer.  It worked great!  After that, I was ready to transform the room with paint.

I have some white and blue china pieces that I got from my grandma that are going to look great in the room once we get furniture and I get to finish my vision for the room.   I am not sure when that will be. 

My last pregnancy project was the baby's room.  This room had been our guest room with one very brown wall and three white walls.  I do not understand why.  You can see below what I turned it into. 

There are still a few things missing.  First, the changing table.  That is currently in Logan's room and we will move it after the baby is born.  Second, some super cute red valances that I am still waiting to get in.  I ordered them 1 1/2 months ago.  I like them so much that I am just dealing with the back order.  The third and final thing missing is our little boy's name.  That will go on the wall over the crib after he is born. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Fun

Despite feeling like we are trying to beat the heat every other week, the Perry family has had a great summer so far.  We are now less than three weeks from D-day, so we have been trying to soak up as much time as a family of three as possible.  We have spent a lot of time outside playing with the water table and in the pool.  Logan even hosted a play group that was water-themed. 

Logan's new slide

Logan at a cookout enjoying riding in the caboose
Nana and Papa came up for a visit

Even Rocky loves the pool

Logan's play group


Momma, the water is too cold!

Someone is so proud he stole Momma's water

You have to love summer in New England.  Personally, I love the area we live in for the local farms.  Logan and I took advantage and went blueberry picking the other week.

Getting the green ones

There are the blue ones

We have also spent time at our local playground.  I don't know if Logan loves the swings or slides more.

We also headed to Davis Farmland, a HUGE petting zoo that also has a small water park area.  Logan enjoyed the animals, but he loved the water area.  We will definitely be going back, but probably not until next summer.
Feeding the goats

Petting the cow

The cow tried to eat Momma's shorts

Logan left Momma to fend for herself with the hungry sheep

Petting sheep

That's one hairy cow!

The kid did not stay still long

Daddy, dance in the water with me

Stopping for a lunch break

Other than that, we have just spent time around the house. 
Helping Momma with the housework by vacuuming the stairs

My sous chef


Logan loves to do anything Daddy is doing

Going through the tunnel we made out of cardboard

How much money do we spend on toys and the boy loves to play with spoons and cardboard

Chillin' in my basketball shorts

Happy Birthday, Momma

My boys